Shipping Info
Our primary shipping service is FedEx. All of our products ship from our warehouse in Brooklyn, NY.
Free Shipping Offer
100% of the products on our site ship for free for orders above $100.00. This offer applies to "Standard Shipping" which will be FedEx Ground or FedEx Home Delivery. Free shipping promotions are available on domestic shipments within the 48 continental states only. Orders below $100 are subject to a flat rate shipping charge of $9.95.
Delivery Time
The method of delivery - our Free shipping method is either FedEx Ground (commercial addresses) or FedEx Home Delivery (residential addresses).
Most orders are shipped within 5 business days. Additionally, please note that delivery time is also based on "business" days. We make our best effort to ship orders within four business days of an order being placed.
Please be mindful when placing an order for a time-sensitive occasion that some orders take longer to deliver depending on the state it is being shipped to.
International Shipping
If you'd like to make a purchase and have it shipped internationally, please send us an email at service at Be sure to include a list of the products you'd like to purchase, your shipping address, phone number, and the email address to which we should send an invoice. Our Customer Service team will contact you to make all the arrangements.
We do not ship to PO Boxes.